Now, we’ll add our Docker machines to a swarm.
Log into the manager.
$ docker-machine ssh manager
## .
## ## ## ==
## ## ## ## ## ===
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|_.__/ \___/ \___/ \__|_____\__,_|\___/ \___|_|\_\___|_|
WARNING: this is a build from, not a stable release.
Boot2Docker version 1.13.0-rc7, build HEAD : b2cde29 - Sat Jan 14 00:29:39 UTC 2017
Docker version 1.13.0-rc7, build 48a9e53
docker@manager:~$ ls
docker@manager:~$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr
Swarm initialized: current node (2tjrasfqfu945b7n4753374sw) is now a manager.
Initialize a swarm.
The command to initialize a swarm is:
docker swarm init --advertise-addr <MANAGER-IP>
Use the IP address of the manager. (See Verify machines are running and get IP addresses).
docker@manager:~$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr
Swarm initialized: current node (2tjrasfqfu945b7n4753374sw) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join \
--token SWMTKN-1-144pfsupfo25h43zzr6b6bghjson8uedxjsndo5vuehqlyarsk-9k4q84axm008whv9zl4a8m8ct \
To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.
Log into the worker machine.
$ docker-machine ssh worker
## .
## ## ## ==
## ## ## ## ## ===
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~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ / ===- ~~~
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|_.__/ \___/ \___/ \__|_____\__,_|\___/ \___|_|\_\___|_|
WARNING: this is a build from, not a stable release.
Boot2Docker version 1.13.0-rc7, build HEAD : b2cde29 - Sat Jan 14 00:29:39 UTC 2017
Docker version 1.13.0-rc7, build 48a9e53
On the worker, run the join
command given as the output of the swarm init
command you ran on the manager.
docker@worker:~$ docker swarm join \
> --token SWMTKN-1-144pfsupfo25h43zzr6b6bghjson8uedxjsndo5vuehqlyarsk-9k4q84axm008whv9zl4a8m8ct \
This node joined a swarm as a worker.
If you don’t have the command, run docker swarm join-token worker
on a manager node to retrieve the join
command for a worker for this swarm.
Log into the manager and run docker node ls
docker@manager:~$ docker node ls
2tjrasfqfu945b7n4753374sw * manager Ready Active Leader
syc46yimgtyz9ljcsfqiurvp0 worker Ready Active
In the next step, we’ll deploy the voting app.