Troubleshoot your cluster

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

If you detect problems in your UCP cluster, you can start your troubleshooting session by checking the logs of the individual UCP components. Only administrator users can see information about UCP system containers.

Check the logs from the UI

To see the logs of the UCP system containers, navigate to the Containers page of UCP. By default the UCP system containers are hidden. Click the Show all containers option for the UCP system containers to be listed as well.

You can click on a container to see more details like its configurations and logs.

Check the logs from the CLI

You can also check the logs of UCP system containers from the CLI. This is specially useful if the UCP web application is not working.

  1. Get a client certificate bundle.

    When using the Docker CLI client you need to authenticate using client certificates. Learn how to use client certificates.

    If your client certificate bundle is for a non-admin user, you won’t have permissions to see the UCP system containers.

  2. Check the logs of UCP system containers.

    # By default system containers are not displayed. Use the -a flag to display them
    $ docker ps -a
    CONTAINER ID    IMAGE                             COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS           PORTS                            NAMES
    922503c2102a    docker/ucp-controller:1.1.0-rc2   "/bin/controller serv"   4 hours ago     Up 30 minutes>8080/tcp     ucp/ucp-controller
    1b6d429f1bd5    docker/ucp-swarm:1.1.0-rc2        "/swarm join --discov"   4 hours ago     Up 4 hours       2375/tcp                         ucp/ucp-swarm-join
    # See the logs of the ucp/ucp-controller container
    $ docker logs ucp/ucp-controller

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